Back to School 5 Elementary Math Must-Haves


Looking for ways to make the back to school season stress-free? Check out these 5 elementary math must-haves. Add them to your Amazon cart now so you are ready for preplanning when it rolls around.


Astrobrights Color Paper

Start looking for deals on a large package of bright paper. Paper can be expensive but it is much cheaper in the long run than color ink. You will thank yourself throughout the years as you print the class newsletter or send home important announcements. Even decorating a bulletin board becomes easier. Center organization is my personal favorite use for the bright paper. A few years ago, I color-coded my centers by domain so all the fractions are pink and the measurement and data are blue. Makes everything prettier and easier to keep organized. 


Wireless Presenter with Laser Pointer

My laser pointer cost less than $20 and I used it every day. So worth it! I use PowerPoints to guide my lessons and walk around the room as I teach or ask questions. I hated running back to the computer to switch the slide. The laser pointer freed me from feeling trapped in the front of the room. I could stand next to a student that needed extra support and highlight an example on a chart without moving away from them.


Cordless Hot Glue Gun

The cordless hot glue gun saves so much time. I waited too long to buy one. I thought it was silly because I had one that worked perfectly fine but man it made my back to school life so much easier when I finally purchased it. No longer did I have to make a million trips between my workspace and the hot glue gun.


Dry Erase Ticket Holder Pockets

These dry erase boards are perfect for the math classroom. At the start of the year, I write a student’s name on a piece of bright paper, insert it along with a marker and eraser in the sleeve and ask them to use the board during pretty much every math lesson. They are a cheap and organized way to create boards for your whole class. I love being able to see students’ work mid-lesson so I can address problems before students move to partner or independent practice. I have also used these in centers. I will print a small group worth of something (5 or 6 sheets) and slip it into my small group setting and let students write with dry erase markers so I can use the sheets multiple times.


Colorful Dry Erase Erasers

I have tried lots of different erasers over the course of my years in the classroom from dollar store socks to pom poms hot glued to the end of each marker. Those solutions didn’t last long. I have used these erasers for the last two years and love them. One package provides a class set with extra. I write their names on the colorful part with a sharpie so there is no confusion about lost erasers. It’s easy to get it back to the correct owner.

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