Tips for Using Eureka Math in your Classroom


Are you using Eureka Math/ Engage NY in your upper elementary math classroom? Continue reading to learn 5 helpful tips for successfully using this curriculum.

eureka math cover

1. Invest in Eureka Math PowerPoints!

This is my number one tip. You’ll either invest time or money. If you have time this summer, you could make them but honestly, I found these PowerPoints to be worth every penny. Free Google slides can be found on the Embarc site here. They are a great starting point but do require some editing before you use them with your class. The PowerPoints help you stay on track without being tied to your teacher manual for the progression of the lesson.

eureka math PowerPoint slides

2. Watch YouTube videos for unfamiliar strategies.

This is my favorite channel, EngageNY Grade 3 Module 1 Lesson 1 – YouTube. Check out Duane Habecker on You Tube if you want a quick demonstration of a strategy or something to send parents when they have questions. He has videos for every grade, every module and every lesson. These videos were a life saver when I moved mid-year from 3rd to 5th.

3. Send Eureka Math problem sets home if using the provided homework.

Honestly, I’m not a fan of Eureka Math’s homework. I received SO many emails and messages about it from my parents. I prefer weekly homework to reinforce previously taught standards. Check out my 3rd grade and 5th grade weekly homework. You may be interested in this blog post to learned how I used weekly homework in my classroom.

4. Don’t be afraid to combine or skip lessons if they don’t align with your standards or meet the needs of your students.

I suggest sitting down with your team or a friend and reading through the lessons AHEAD of time. Yes.. it’s a lot of reading but it helps you see the progression and you can combine lessons if your class is breezing through a topic or split a lesson into two days if neededf. Check out this site and reference your specific grade level if you need help with omitting or condensing lessons.

skipping lessons for eureka math

5. Choose one or two of the Eureka Math warmup activities.

Don’t skip them all together but you can’t do all of them either. My first few months using Engage NY, I did all the fluency activities because my students LOVED them but I rarely finished my lessons. We often skipped the exit tickets which in my book is a poor trade. Too much data can be collected from quickly flipping through and providing feedback for students. Stick to one or two fluency warm up activities. It’s the sweet spot.

eureka math tips

Let me know in the comments below which tip you plan to use in your classroom next year!

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