Around the Room Math Review Game
Looking for a fun and simple way to get your students moving and practicing the math standards they want to improve? The Around the Room Math Review is an active way for students to practice the common core standards. Continue reading to learn how to make and use this math review game in your classroom.

How to Play the Around the Room Math Review
Make poster cards with questions on them and place them in order around your room. Keep it to 5 or 10 questions so it is easy to grade.
Give each student a recording sheet or tell them to grab their math journals to show their thinking while they move around the room solving the different questions.
Model for them how to match the number and picture for the question they are working on instead of starting with question one.
I suggest putting the students into groups and setting a timer for 3 to 4 minutes per station to keep students focused and on task.

Fun Additions and Twists to the Around the Room Review
To make it even more fun, play a seasonal song while students transition between stations. The music makes the activity like a game or party and cuts down on off task behavior.
Have students do a funny dance as they move between stations.
Tell students at the beginning that the group with the best teamwork and on task discussions about their mathematical thinking will get a prize.
Walk around to support all groups or station yourself at a challenging problem and meet with all the groups for a few minutes that way.
When to Use Around the Room Math Review
- Before a holiday break when students are extra crazy
- Long winter months when it is harder to get students outside enough.
- After an assembly
- Full moon
- As review before an assessment
- Test prep
- Tutoring before or after school (students will want to come back if it’s optional)
- Canceled resource (music/PE/Art)
- Anytime students need to get their wiggles out.
How to Make Your Own Around the Room Review
Super easy to make your own. You can get fancy and print out a few problems from a recent assessment that students need to review or simply write questions you would like them to practice more on card stock or index cards. Don’t forget to number the cards so students can match the question to the number on their recording sheet.
Create at least 5-10 questions with one per paper. For the recording sheet you can make one in PowerPoint or just have students number the lines in their math journal so they can show their work.
Save Time and Grab this freebie
If you are a 3rd Grade teacher and don’t have time to create your own set, you can grab a FREE Multiplication and Division around the room math review below:

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Winter Around the Room 3rd Grade Math Review Game Rounding Addition Subtraction

Let me know in the comments if you created your own version or used the FREE around the room winter game in your classroom!
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