3 Ways to Use Florida BEST Data Tracking Sheets

Do you want to track your students’ progress with the Florida BEST Math Standards but don’t know where to start? Check out these FREE Florida BEST Data Tracking Sheets for an easy way to monitor your students’ growth throughout the year.

Florida best data tracking sheets

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3 Ways to Use Florida BEST Data Tracking Sheets

  • Teacher Data Notebook
  • Individual Student Data Notebooks
  • Class Data Bulletin Board

1. Teacher Data Notebook

Create a teacher data notebook with a 3-ring binder and the Florida BEST Data tracking sheets. Grab enough sheet protectors for every student in your class. Print enough copies of the data tracking sheets to have one per student and place them in the sheet protectors.

They are organized by domain so after each progress monitoring assessment you can update the sheets with the date and score for each standard.

Tracking data this way makes conferences with students and parents easier. Growth over time is simple to identify as well as students’ strengths and weaknesses.

2. Individual Student Data Notebooks

Nothing promotes ownership of the standards like student data notebooks.

Give each student a 3 prong notebook to keep throughout the year.

As students complete their progress monitoring assessments, let them update their notebooks with the date and score for each standard.

Focus on the ones that had been taught to completion. I suggest letting students colors their score either green, yellow or red depending on where it falls with the following scale:

  • Green- 67-100%
  • Yellow- 41-66%
  • Red-below 40%

Students can celebrate their growth as they watch the red/yellows change to yellow/green as the year progresses.

Students can quickly look at their data notebooks and see which standards they struggle with and need extra practice on throughout independent blocks like centers.

Great resource to send with students to any other adult or tutor that may be working with them throughout the year.

3. Class Data Bulletin Board

Find a bulletin board, door or even cabinet that have high visibility. Give them a makeover with a cute heading like “Watch our Class Data Grow”. You can arrange a few printed and laminated flowers that match your class theme to help draw students’ attention to it.

Update the different columns with the class average as progress monitoring assessment are completed.

Have celebrations during class meeting and celebrate the class as a whole as they move toward mastery of the standards.

If you teach two math classes, consider having a competition of sorts where the classes try to compete against each other.

Benefits of Using Florida BEST Data Tracking Sheets

  • Your admin team will love the seeing your growth over the course of multiple assessments.
  • Makes parent conferences a breeze.
  • Easy to pinpoint areas of concerns for the class and individual students.
  • Promotes growth mindset for students and they see themselves grow over time.
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Download Your FREE Florida BEST Data Tracking Sheets Below


If you’re looking for resources to help teach and review Florida BEST Standard MA.3.NSO.1.1 with your students, then check out the interactive math journal pages from my TPT shop.

You can download a FREE 3rd grade Florida BEST math journal lesson from start to finish here.

There is also a BUNDLE option available for you to check out for the best deal on several lessons.

More Florida BEST Math Resources



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