Elementary Math Test Prep Ideas

Testing season is quickly approaching. It’s time to find the elementary math test prep resources and games that are needed to move our students towards mastery. Continue reading to find a few small group, whole group and tutoring test prep tips you can use in your classroom.

First Things First….

Start your test prep ideas early. The years that I started prepping students in January or February instead of March or April, students did much better. I was less stressed and students didn’t feel rushed to review everything within a few weeks. I had time for data chats and goal setting with the students so they could take ownership for their work.

With that being said, start your test prep now!

Check out this blog post from last year to get your students excited for testing season.

Elementary Math Test Prep for Small Groups

In my small group I switch between lessons and games. I prefer to start with the lesson then use the game as an incentive to motivate students to learn the standard.

math center bundle

Math Center games in your teacher led center are a great way to engage students that struggle. They will look forward to working with you and not feel like they are being punished while their peers get to work with partners or independently.

rounding center elementary math test prep

All 24 3rd grade math common core standards are included in my Math Center Games Bundle, which you can get by clicking here.

Elementary Math Test Prep for Whole Group

weekly math homework test prep

Tip number one is to build the review into your current schedule. Use your morning work and homework time to review the standard your WHOLE class needs help with.

I suggest starting the week with some sort of the 10-15 minute focus lesson then assigned standard based weekly homework or morning work to review that specific standard.

That way students are practicing and receiving instruction without losing too much classroom time.

Check out my weekly homework here. There are 25 weeks of homework with one standard reviewed per week.

spiral quiz elementary math test prep

Elementary Math Test Prep for Tutoring

For tutoring, I suggest using some sort of spiral review. There are tons of grade specific standard based resources out there.

Spiral reviews help students practice ALL the different types of questions they may see on the state assessment with the support of a teacher close by.

Tutoring at my school happens before school, during lunch, or after school. It often feels rushed students are coming and going throughout the allotted time.

Trading the 60 minute lesson for a spiral review activity makes it easier for students to follow along during the tutoring time.

Find a activities you like. Print them out. Put them in folders for the students. Then students can grab their folder and follow along as the tutoring group works through and breaks down the different types of questions.

As you notice misconceptions, stop and address with modeling and further teaching on that specific standard.

You can click here to purchase an elementary math test prep spiral review to use during your tutoring time.

mystery mindset elementary math test prep

You may also like: 3rd Grade Mystery Messages Math Test Prep

Let me know in the comments below your favorite way to review with students!

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