4 Free Interactive Math Notebook Covers

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Interactive math notebooks covers are a great way to stay organized. Have you ever collected math notebooks to quickly check at the end of a lesson or unit and realized the process was going to be anything but quick as you flipped through trying to find a student’s name in their notebook. Interactive math notebook covers save the day and give students a clear and unified spot to write their names.

Interactive Math Notebook Covers with small boy and girl

The Ideal Interactive Math Notebook Cover

The ideal interactive math notebook cover has 3 things:

  • a place for students’ names
  • the title Math Notebook
  • fun clip art or graphic

A bold title for the interactive math notebook covers is important because it prevents the classic issue of students gluing or writing their lessons in the incorrect notebook.

Interactive Math Notebook Covers with math symbols

Fun math clip art or graphics that students can color or decorate helps them take ownership of the notebook. Math notebooks that are cute will encourage students to take better care of them. It also can aid your English language learners and help them identify the correct notebook.

Interactive Math Notebook Covers Teacher Tips

  • Print covers two per page so they are the perfect size for a math notebook and save paper.
  • Write students’ names for them with a black sharpie on the line provided so it is easy to read.
  • Write students’ names and let them decorate BEFORE you glue them on the math notebook.

Grab the Freebie!

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I hope you are able to use these covers in your classroom.

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4 Interactive Math Notebook Covers

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